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The Hayknife is designed for the use of cutting and removing netting and wrap from silage bales in a safe and hygienic manner. The hayknife can be used for opening bales, fertiliser bags, for cutting twine, plastic wrap and to loosen embedded twine. It can be gripped easily with work gloves on. With its large hand grip and bright colour the knife is easy to handle and hard to lose. 

Art.-Nr.: 23389
2.10 (2.58 inkl. Steuer)
Art.-Nr.: jefkfbd
12.20 (15.01 inkl. Steuer)
Art.-Nr.: 71081
3.35 (4.12 inkl. Steuer)
Art.-Nr.: 18061
9.76 (12.00 inkl. Steuer)
Art.-Nr.: 23143
3.30 (4.06 inkl. Steuer)